Pharmacy Technician Data Entry Services
PharmPro is your Trusted Business Partner, with a unique depth of Pharmacy Technician resources to save you up to 50% on your labor costs while delivering higher quality results. Our team is customized and dedicated to your pharmacy. We will work with your in house pharmacist team and customize our work flow to support your pharmacy operation. We focus on quality input and all of our technicians are 100% in the United States. We do not off-shore – these are our own employees. We guarantee our work.
Services include
✓New Orders, Admissions, Refills
✓Refill Too Soon and Fax Processing
✓Request for Refill Processing
✓Medical Records/Monthly Edits
✓Emergency Drug Kit Changes
✓Document Management Imaging Queue
✓Special Projects / Call Center Support
Our Technician Team has knowledge of a variety of pharmacy systems including:
Framework LTC
Pioneer RX
Suite RX
Many More
We guarantee our remote data entry technician services. We will hold our team to the same standard as your internal employees, creating metrics and standards. All of our employees are 100% part of our team - we do not "off-shore" and will provide your pharmacy organization the quality it is seeking and support.
New Homes or Patients coming aboard and you don't want to add additional workload to your staff - contact us today to discuss.
Short or Long Term Data Entry Projects
Full or Outsourcing Services Available
Shared Service Models (60% client and 40% PP)
Contingency Data Entry Support